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Justin Patton

Member at Large


Justin Patton
Member at Large

Justin Patton has worked for many years in the fields of Education, Research, Employment and Immigration. Originally from Vancouver, he is the former Research Director for the Ivey Business School at Western University, a former writer of scientific and arts-based grants in the millions of dollars, and the former Director for an IRCC-funded immigration office that served several cities in Ontario.

He has lived and worked in four Canadian provinces, in the UK, France and Taiwan, and is one of the relatively few Canadian francophones who grew up in British Columbia. He has served on numerous boards and committees in an effort to assist with societal challenges relating to addictions and mental health, immigration, under-employment, funding for the arts, and francophone affairs, and he has acted as mentor to research administrators at universities across Canada.

Justin believes strongly that immigration is one of the principal elements of Canadian society that help us to remain open minded, well-informed, excited by the diversity of what life can offer each of us, and welcoming of each other. He is happy to contribute to helping newcomers to achieve fulfilling socio-economic integration into Canadian society. He is interested in de-colonial, anti-racist and feminist initiatives, and is grateful to be living as a guest in Victoria on the territories of the Lekwungen people.

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